ANSVAR SÄKERHET offers worksite checks in the construction, transport, cleaning and the green industries where we makes sure that agreements, laws and regulations are followed.
Worksite checks are a an efficient tool against working life crime and unhealthy working conditions.
Worksite checks always take place unannounced and are carried out by our certified inspectors. For us at ANSVAR SÄKERHET, it is important to have the right skills, therefore our inspectors have previously worked as police officers, at the Border Police, at the Work Environment Agency and the Tax Agency. This solid experience is additionally topped up with the relevant legislation, tax and work environment regulations training.
With extensive experience from the Swedish authorities we can guarantee the high quality of our worksite checks. The checks are carried out in a friendly, respectful manner and with consideration for the individual.
We offer two types of worksite checks:
Administrative worksite checks
Administrative worksite checks are based on investigation and evaluation of data collected from the personnel register. Based on the snapshot of the persons and companies logged into the register we will then check if the information in compliance with the posted workers and other legal frameworks. An effective control of shell protection/enclosure and work environment is also carried out. Data is then evaluated against regulations, legislation and contract terms. Administrative workplace control is a good indication and a basis for further measures. After evaluation, recommendations and measures are provided that are planned based on any detected deviations.
Complete workplace control
Everything that the Administrative workplace control includes is also included in a Complete workplace control. In addition to this, our certified inspectors with an appointed team leader carry out, among other things, a check of logged-in people in the personnel register, which we also check against those we find on site. A complete workplace check consists of several check points and the ID06 card check is only part of the implementation as more relevant check points should be taken into account. In order to guarantee the completeness of information in our reports, we always check identities and authorizations. This then requires an in-depth review, processing and investigation in a follow-up of the data collected during the workplace inspection. Data is then evaluated against regulations, legislation and contract terms.
Order the "Complete Workplace Control" brochure by emailinginfo@ansvarsakerhet.se.
Finishing work & Report
After a workplace inspection, the follow-up work begins with the processing of all data collected from all inspection points. We compile the data in a report and thus carry out a risk analysis where an assessment is made based on possible shortcomings and violations of law or agreement. In the report, we give the customer recommendations for measures based on the seriousness of any deviations as well as suggestions for improvement opportunities.
We also offer, upon agreement with the customer, control of A1 certificates and other documentation such as salary specifications, as well as continued review of, for example, individual subcontractors.